paralysis patient care at home in Rohini Delhi

paralysis patient care at home:

Caring for a paralyzed patient requires a comprehensive and compassionate approach. The level of care needed depends on the severity and type of paralysis (e.g., paraplegia or quadriplegia) and the underlying cause (e.g., spinal cord injury, stroke, or neurological disorder). Here are some general guidelines.

1. Medical Care:

Regular medical check-ups with healthcare professionals to monitor overall health.

Management of underlying conditions that may have caused paralysis.

Medication management, including pain relief, muscle relaxants, and prevention of complications such as infections and blood clots.

2. Mobility and Positioning:

Regularly reposition the patient to prevent pressure sores and maintain joint flexibility.

Use mobility aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, or braces as prescribed by healthcare professionals.

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation to maintain and improve muscle strength and joint flexibility.

3. Psychosocial Support:

Provide emotional support and counseling for both the patient and their caregivers.

Encourage participation in support groups to connect with others facing similar challenges.